Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Poem - AXIS


Listen with your mind
Feel without your heart
Look with your heart
Dream without a star
Taste without a tongue
See without any eyes
Get high without the drugs
Just understand who you are

Walk with a purpose
Talk without a fear
Feel with your heart
Fight without arms
Climb without a mountain
Swim without a river
Fly without wings
Just understand who you are

The axis spins round
changing everything as it goes
It will rain - It will snow
Plant a seed
Watch a flower grow
There's love - There's hate
With all this confusion
Everyone can go insane

Love with passion
Love without hate
Love with your heart
love without your mind
Dance without a song
Think without a worry
Be free without consequence
Just understand.......

Along the axis there's always two
For every me there is a you

                                                                                Jay E. Campbell

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Great Day it Was

Yesterday, Servolution Saturday came and went. 

The church had something like 12 different groups. Some went to the local school and did all the yard work. Others went door to door handing out bibles and lending a hand in prayer and support if needed. Some others went with their kids and visited the Veterans home and local senior apartments to give helpful blessing and a good pick me up. Yard work, paint work, you name it some did it by going to locals in need of that. I on other hand stuffed bears. 

The God's Caring Cubs are a great group of people and we had an almost assemble line of production going.On one table you had the cutters that cut out all the material to make the bears. On two tables was sewing machines where they, you guessed it, sewed! I stuffed the bears once they needed it and a few sewed up the leftover holes, put scarfs on them and tagged them.

My fiance, Amber, took part in Servolution as well. She helped, with I think two others, run the daycare. For anyone that needed their kids watched while they went out and served the community.

It's amazing what one church can do. I should say it is amazing what one person can do if they follow there hearts and serve. Do what is right and show the compassion and care. A friend in need give a shoulder, a ride, do whatever you are capable of. A stranger do the same. What time we have here on Earth we are here to serve. 

So in closing,
it was a wonderful day. 

It was a great day.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Today will be a great Day

So I can't sleep due to my Arthritis killing me. I need to get up in a half an hour cause I have a big day planned.

My church, The Georgetown Church of Christ is having a big day today. We have a thing called Servolution. Here is what Servolution is.

I'm willing, praying my body holds up, to help the community in anyway my body sees fit to handle. Maybe I will stuff bears for the God's Caring Cubs that people sew and make to hand out to kids in crisis. Or maybe God has other plans for me. 

I will see when I arrive there this morning. 

This is my first big event at church so I'm scared and excited all at the same time. This is also my first church that I've actively gone to. I have been going now since April. The experience has made my outlook on life so much grander and brighter. The people there have been so gracious and so nice I can't explain in words what they have done for our family so far. 

So in closing please pray my body holds up to whatever god has called on me to do.

Thank you and may peace be with you.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A very underrated song of Elton's. 

From one of my favorite albums of his.


Poem - WW3


Tie a ribbon to a cross
Say goodbye
Another Holocaust
Blow it down
Blow it away
We all live it everyday
Just like hell has the flame
Just here someone has a name

Wounds are forever in your heart
Let it dry
Make a new start
Burn now
Burn it down
The world will always go round
Just like Satan has a hell
Just here it's too hard to tell

Walk the path to a sign
Say it aloud
Say goodbye
Break it down 
Break it off
Holocaust is a new cross
Just like an angel with wings
Just here dying is a disease

                                                    Jay E. Campbell