Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Great Day it Was

Yesterday, Servolution Saturday came and went. 

The church had something like 12 different groups. Some went to the local school and did all the yard work. Others went door to door handing out bibles and lending a hand in prayer and support if needed. Some others went with their kids and visited the Veterans home and local senior apartments to give helpful blessing and a good pick me up. Yard work, paint work, you name it some did it by going to locals in need of that. I on other hand stuffed bears. 

The God's Caring Cubs are a great group of people and we had an almost assemble line of production going.On one table you had the cutters that cut out all the material to make the bears. On two tables was sewing machines where they, you guessed it, sewed! I stuffed the bears once they needed it and a few sewed up the leftover holes, put scarfs on them and tagged them.

My fiance, Amber, took part in Servolution as well. She helped, with I think two others, run the daycare. For anyone that needed their kids watched while they went out and served the community.

It's amazing what one church can do. I should say it is amazing what one person can do if they follow there hearts and serve. Do what is right and show the compassion and care. A friend in need give a shoulder, a ride, do whatever you are capable of. A stranger do the same. What time we have here on Earth we are here to serve. 

So in closing,
it was a wonderful day. 

It was a great day.

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